healthy food - Alaska's food system - is it like the North Country? - SIBEJO

07.12 Add Comment
 healthy food - Alaska's food system - is it like the North Country? - SIBEJO
Mark Winne, a leading voice on food system issues has a new blog entry about food issues in Alaska.  I was struck by the similarities to the North Country.  For example, try substituting "North Country" for "Alaska" in his closing paragraph (and ignoring the oil comment):

"How Alaska copes with its multiple food system vulnerabilities bears watching. Resiliency in the face of climate change will take on new and challenging dimensions in this highly exposed northern reach, not the least of which may be the hot, sweaty hordes escaping from the Lower 48. The lessons of oil, the lessons of subsistence, the lessons of the limits of human endurance, and the lessons of public policy that can be farsighted or shortsighted should not be ignored because they come from a place as remote as Alaska."

Read Mark's blog entry in its entirety here:  Roadkill Stew, Bad-ass Cabbage, and the Midnight Sun � Lessons from Alaska


healthy food - Veggie of the Month on 95.3 The Wolf - SIBEJO

11.48 Add Comment
Starting with this morning, GardenShare will be featuring a "Veggie of the Month" on the first Wednesday of the month between 8:00 and 9:00 AM with morning show host Tony Lynn on 95.3 The Wolf FM.

Intern Hogan has been prepping the material for these interviews and so he and Amanda joined me in the studio this morning.  After highlighting this month's veggie, we gave away $10 in tokens that can be used at any farmers market in St. Lawrence County.

Listen in each month on the first Wednesday to learn more about GardenShare, farmers markets, and a new veggie each month!


July Veggie of the Month is Radishes
  • Grown in North America since the early 1600s
  • Grown in most states, but California and Florida have the most
  • Ideal for children�s gardens because they grow so fast  -  From seed to eating plant in ~25 days
  • Nutrition - Radishes are rich in vitamin C and B vitamins. It also contains dietary fibers and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese and Super low in calories!

Recipe option #1: Roasted radishes

        2-1/4 pounds radishes, trimmed and quartered
        3 tablespoons olive oil
        1 tablespoon minced fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried oregano
        1/4 teaspoon salt
        1/8 teaspoon pepper

Directions - super simple

1.     In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Transfer to a greased 15-in. x 10-in. x 1-in. baking pan. Bake, uncovered, at 425� for 30 minutes or until crisp-tender, stirring once. Yield: 5 servings.

Recipe option #2: Grilled Radishes, Fennel and Asparagus Salad with a Caper Dressing

?     Radishes are popular in salads, but are generally raw. These are grilled.
?     Good as a side salad or starter

Prep time - 10 minutes; cook time - 5-10 minutes

?     2 tbsp olive oil
?     2/3 cups (150g) radishes cut in half
?     1 large bulb fennel, sliced
?     3/4 cups (200g) asparagus, trimmed
?     4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

?     1 tbsp sherry vinegar
?     � red onion, finely chopped
?     2 tbsp baby capers
?     Salt and pepper
?     Small bunch of dill chopped

1.     Preheat a large griddle pan and lightly dress all the vegetables in olive oil.
2.     While you are waiting for the griddle to warm up: mix together in a small bowl the olive oil and sherry vinegar, then add the onion and capers, season with salt and pepper and set aside.
3.     Grill the vegetables on both sides in a single layer in the griddle pan, until the bar marks start to appear. This usually takes a couple of minutes.
4.     Once cooked, arrange on a serving dish, season with salt and pepper, drizzle over the dressing and scatter with the chopped dill. Serve at once.

healthy food - Freedom from Want - SIBEJO

05.30 Add Comment
As we celebrate Independence Day, it seems a good time to remember Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms:"
1.     Freedom of speech
2.     Freedom of worship
3.     Freedom from want
4.     Freedom from fear

The speech inspired Norman Rockwell's famous "Four Freedoms" paintings.  In my years working at Foodshare in Connecticut, we gave a print of this "Freedom from Want" painting to employees on their fifth anniversary.  I still have this iconic image hanging in my dining room.

Freedom from want has certainly been the major focus of my adult life, with more than thirty years at Foodshare and the last eighteen months at GardenShare.  While I believe we have made progress, it saddens me to know how many people in our great nation are still struggling with basic needs like putting food on the table for their children.  Here in St. Lawrence County, some of our local farmers are even among those struggling - they have food, but are barely scraping by otherwise.

GardenShare is working hard to connect the dots ... hunger, farming, the local economy, and the food system.  After thirty years in the world of charity food, I'm more convinced than ever that giving away food to people in need is never a solution.  It's a band-aid and we may need band-aids to help someone for the short-term, but we also need long-term solutions.

As you reflect on our freedoms this holiday, I hope you will also think about and remember that we still have some work to do!  And join us in that work at GardenShare!



07.48 Add Comment

Children who often go hungry have a greater risk of developing impulse control problems and engaging in violence, according to new University of Texas-Dallas research. The study found that people who experienced frequent hunger as kids were more than twice as likely to exhibit impulsivity and injure others intentionally as adolescents and adults. Thirty-seven percent of the study's participants who had frequent hunger as children reported that they had been involved in interpersonal violence. Of those who experienced little to no childhood hunger, 15% said they were involved in interpersonal violence. The findings were strongest among whites, Hispanics and males.

Source: MedicalXpress, 6/20/16, Hunger & Violence

healthy food - Farmer Friday - Sweetcore Farm - SIBEJO

13.38 Add Comment
It's Farmer Friday again and this time, intern Amanda profiled Dave Rice of Sweetcore Farm.  Dave has a long association with Garden Share, having served three years on the Board of Directors, and still serving on our Fund Development Committee.

As a young adult, I am told the world is at my feet. My career options are endless; I need only to pick a direction of and interest and pursue the path. At times the possibilities are overwhelming, but I find comfort in the garden.  One garden I particularly found solace was on a visit to David and Kathy Rice who live what I aspire to one day do. Stories like David�s, however, are what reassures me when I wonder how I will achieve the same end result.

Dave and Kathy working in the field
David Rice grew up on an eight-acre orchard in New Hampshire with a family vegetable garden and pigs. David�s first job was at Friendly�s, although he helped press cider, work retail, and pack as well as deliver orders on the farm. Because there wasn�t much to learn, David distinguished himself by attending New Hampshire University to major in horticulture with a focus on fruit science. In 1989, David began work-study where he met Kathy. When Dave decided there wasn�t room for expanding, he moved with Kathy to work on a 100-acre farm. Dave was the supervisor to the farm, which profited $24,000 in sales and employed nine full-time employees.

Moving on to the next stage in their life, Dave and Kathy relocated to Madbury, New Hampshire after Dave boldly sent a letter asking for paid employment and housing. The farm had 30 tilled acres: 1,200 apple trees, 2000 blueberry bushes, 1 acre of peaches, 1 acre of pears - for a fruit lover like David this place was a sticky sweet deal. Dave had been offered to pay the farm owner for lease at a percent of the sales and equipment after two years. Meanwhile, Kathy worked in childcare to help make ends meet. As farmers, we know farming is a seasonal job in terms of income; like Dave, most farmers work July-Sept seven days a week. Kathy�s income supplemented the small family during the winter/spring months.

Fast-forward four years. David (now age 35) and Kathy are ready for a change once more. David didn�t like the quantity of pesticides used; economically, the management practice cost him around $3000 a year. What is more, Dave questioned how healthy personal exposure to pesticides actually was as he pulled on a full-body suit every day to spray the fruits. �It�s more of a risk to the applicator than to the consumer�I was always worried,� he commented to me. For a short while, David and Kathy agreed to help a couple operate an eighty-acre farm. He grew wholesale pumpkins (his favorite vegetable to cultivate). He also ran a CSA program, which grew to support 50 families. Yet, the David and Kathy could not see raising a family or living their life there, despite their success. David�s dream of homesteading could not be squandered.

At this point some may call Dave picky. Why not just pick a strip of land, cultivate the soil and raise a family? Farming is simple, right? He clearly had the experience, knowledge, mindset and work ethic to make his vision reality. I respect David and Kathy for not settling; they were unstoppable in their quest for the right location, home and community.

2005 marked the year Dave and Kathy committed to the North Country. Dave and Kathy Rice had bought twelve aces adjacent to a long-time 200-acre dairy farm. Six acres were open for tillage, the other six deemed as unusable wetlands. Their custom built home was cleverly designed not only to comfortably fit a family of four, but also to efficiently burn only 8 cords of wood a NoCo winter. The former owner, Rich Douglass, used the land for pasture, leaving the area extremely fertile and chemical free with very minimal compaction. �I noticed the silt clay loam makes for better fall crops,� Dave said as he knelt down to give the cracked soil a poke. To boost the fertility of his soil further, Dave relies heavily on cover cropping. While many farmers worry about over-tilling the land, which eventually creates a hardpan, Dave believes his organic practices ensure the health of the soil. In fact, he once had Cornell Cooperative Extension survey the soil for compaction, but they thought the meter was broken because no compaction was measured!
Student interns help Dave get the produce
ready for the farmers market

By July they bought a rototiller and were selling at the farmers market. Kathy worked part-time at Birdsfoot Farm. In 2006, Dave became certified organic and a member of the Finger Lakes Organic Co-Op. One year later, he was the biggest producer for North Country Grown Cooperative and served as the vice president. Marketing wise, Dave sells at the farmers market, the former Blackbird Caf�, the 1844 House as well as his new farm stand, which had just been delivered when I arrived for a visit.

Basil, thyme, parsley, dill, chives and storage cilantro, cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, spring kale, zucchini, pot turro pie pumpkins, Adirondack red potatoes, blue potatoes, delacotta, squash, cucumbers, and red onions are just a few herbs and vegetables cultivated with a single walking tractor on Sweetcore farm.

Some of the apple trees
These annual crops, however, leave no legacy for future generations save on the land they grow. The average age of a farmer is 65, and that statistic isn�t getting any younger. Recognizing this national problem, David planted apple orchards. "Liberty, Freedoms, Honey crisp, Gala, Crimson Crisp, Duchess Oldenburg, Macintosh, Cortland, Mantet, Nova Spies, Red-fry:��David rattled off names of apples like mothers do children. His personal relationship with the apples mirrors his connection to the land. I was amazed by how much he knew about each tree.

After giving me a tour, the most extensive one I have been on yet, David invited me into his home for a drink of water. He pays $400 for fuel a year, which accounts for 100 gallons of propane required to heat the water. They use a wood fire oven in winter months. The solar panel, with eight batteries, is their main source of electricity. In hindsight, Dave said he has not saved money using solar energy. In fact, the solar setup was a quarter of the cost to build his house.

Looking at David�s current lifestyle, I was curious. This man has solar energy, a composting toilet system, and minimal waste; He is practically self-sufficient. What does sustainability mean to Sweetcore? David�s answer seemed like not one at all, �We are participating in the food system, we all go to the grocery store.� Even Dave and Kathy, who personify my future goals, admit to feeding into the system of consumerism. I then wanted to know how sustainable he believes GardenShare to be. Is our vision of  �Healthy Food. Healthy Farms. Everybody Eats.� really attainable? In short, yes. David replied, �In order to survive we have to get food to people- healthy and local food.� Dave caters to all customers by �not trying to limit access�. He offers a wide range of products and prices. Growing and selling vegetables is one way he �beats� the food system.


05.00 Add Comment
For many students, the abundant all-you-can-eat smorgasbord in the college cafeteria is far from reality. As tuition has increased, and with more low-income students attending college, food pantries like one at Brooklyn College have sprung up at more than 300 colleges across the country. University of Maryland officials decided one was needed after realizing several years ago that a greater percentage of students, many from low-income families, were struggling. A decade ago, they might have entered the workforce right after high school, but now they realize that a college degree is practically a necessity. The pantry served 170 people in the fall 2015 semester. About half of them were students, and the rest were university employees. Some colleges permit students to donate �swipes� from their dining plans to others who can�t afford to eat.  Columbia University unveiled a plan last year to permit students to donate up to six unused meals a semester through an emergency meal fund, and students who need food can receive up to six vouchers a semester.
Source: New York Times, 6/22/16, College Food Pantries

healthy food - About fundraising - SIBEJO

12.04 Add Comment
When it comes to fundraising and charitable giving, the myths or assumptions are often far off from the reality of the situation.

Giving USA�s 2016 report was released last week and tells us that giving is up across the board, which is likely a sign of an improving economy and stabilizing incomes.  Americans gave over $373 billion dollars in 2015, breaking the record set in 2014.  Gifts from individuals still account for around 80 percent of total giving (includes gifts during the donor's lifetime and via bequest).  And, the biggest increase in giving came from individuals.  

So, clearly, the common assumption that it's all about the next grant from a big corporation or foundation is not the truth!

Religious and educational institutions receive the lion�s share of contributions, but health and human services, as well as public benefit charities, both saw increases of over 4 percent nationally.  GardenShare experienced some of this increase in 2015, particularly as it relates to individuals and participation in our fundraising events.

This info-graphic drives home some of the realities of charitable giving in the US and makes it clear why, if an organization like GardenShare is to succeed, it needs to develop a variety of funding sources, and especially donations from individuals!
